LOST and Krazors

(disclaimer: if you dont watch this show sorry I'm a geek and write about this stuff. I have nothing else to do)
I swear, the show LOST screws w/your mind. You know, alot of people give me crap for putting up with 3 years of watching this show. Like my dedication for Apollo, I have a dedication for the show LOST as well. Even if it's sucked 3 years of my life away, and 70% of this season was a load of crap, still dedicated.
So tonight was the season finale. So their doing these flashbacks (or are they flashFORWARDS?!?!? hm...) to good ol' Jack. I noticed that he has a "Krazor" cell phone. I'm thinking... Paul Randerson just told me like 5 months ago about the Krazor and how he was obsessed with it, so how is this possible? Did the LOST people make an accident? How would Jack, THREE years ago before he got on the island have a freakin' Krazor?? Yea, he COULDN'T have had a Krazor so it wasn't flashbacks. It was the PRESENT! They got of the bloody island! And sure enough they are...at least Kate and Jack are off. There was other stuff that happened but this is crazy. How are they going to make 3 more seasons when they left? What the heck? I'm so confused. All I know is, thanx Paul for all that hype about that stupid cell phone. I figured out the season finale thanks to the Krazor and my genius mind. muahahaha
ok, so i totally love LOST too but i missed most of the season finale last night - boo...but did catch the end. i'm totally interested to know how they are going to extend it all too...and who was the 'he' kate was talking about -- sawyer? anyways, so i'm going to watch it online at some point this week to catch up (i love how the channels are now putting their shows online -- i call it the "poor man's tivo"). :)
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