Apollo makes the world seem right.

So today basically sucked. Minus a few good points here and there. The certain someone has now chosen to stop communication from me for the next few weeks to process. I'm learning to accept that and also to respect his wishes, but it effects me too. Makes me angry and frustrated. I feel like a crack addict...these 14 days seem like 14 months. My brother called me and told me its time to move on. The thing is you can have friends and even parents tell you to move on, but sometimes it takes an older brother to get a sista crying and finally admit that ya, it's time.
Anyways, what made today better was "dancing with the stars". What? I'm not ashamed of this fact. I have watched this season faithfully. I've never watched a season before but I found out that Apollo Ohno was going to be on. I have tracked this boy for the past 5 years! I am dedicated. I haven't been in love with him since a month ago(like most women of america. I have been DEDICATED! I even liked a guy that kinda looked like him for 2 years. Ya, i'm shameless. Whatever. We all have celebrity crushes and mine just so happens to be an olympic short speed skater from Seattle. Ya. I think I'm in love. Anyways, he won dancing with the stars and oddly and weirdly enough, I actually forgot about my gloomy situation. Thanks Apollo.
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