God is yummy!!

(thank you andrew york for posing in this o-so-lovely photo)
Tasting God for the first time after I haven't for so long, has never tasted sweeter. The last few months have been this constant struggle to learn how to depend on God and not others. The more we lean on others the more we lose perspective on how AMAZING God is. Its like, I go through these phases of giving my EVERYTHING to him and then, something comes in the way and Satan plants these thoughts in my head that God is boring, dull, doesn't speak, and makes me doubt the goodness of God. I then lose modivation to seek HARD after him because I feel like it's gonna SUCK!
But I was listening to Neil Mcclendon on a podcast and he said, "Is there a spiritual discipline that you could do RIGHT NOW that would bring more intimacy with God?" I thought, oh man...yes there is! So, I took myself out to starbucks...bible, journal, sermon on an ipod on hand and just went for it. Honestly, I didn't want to. I REALLY wanted to just do my thing for the day and not invite God into it. Satan and his little lies.... BUT, sucking it up and doing it was well worth it. In an INSTANT I REMEMBERED why we as christians seek God. Because he TASTES SOOOO GOOD. Being challenged, going deep within myself and hearing God speak is the most amazing experience. I'm learning that it is discipline that I need in my life. It is not hard to be passionate for God once you remember how amazing it is...it just is a daily practice.
The sermon I was listening to went through Luke 7. It talks about a master thanking his servant for all that he had done. The servant responds in the way we as Christians are to respond to God when we have been obedient to him... "I was only doing what I was supposed to do". Realizing how much I felt entitled to something from God. YWAM can be tricky. We do all these 'things' for God...these good things and it is easy to say, "God, I've done all these things...see??? what you gonna give me?" So off track! I wanna be that person who says, "God, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. Not because I have to, but because its just natural to do it. It just IS me."
Discipline. Becoming a person who just "Is" a Christian. Not striving for anything, or a reward, but just living a Godly life because its natural for us to want good and not evil. I'm not anywhere near that. Its still natural for me to lean towards the bad, but through discipline, diligence, obedience and knowing that God is madly in love with me...I believe that the good will become more natural in my life sooner then later. Now, go...take a big bite out of God. SOOOO oishi.
Man...true and good to hear. Philly is pretty tight. Loving it so far.
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