Everything was stolen...
so this birthday was crappy. I woke up this morning and went to my car and something was wrong...I thought maybe my dad had driven it since the seat was far back. Then I noticed my navigational system was gone. I think it started to hit me... CRAP. Someone in the middle of the night came in took my camera, my 2 ipods, and my navigational system. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. My mom said she wished she could hang the guys by their balls and shoot them with a gun. Atta girl. Thats my mom.
In the end, I'm not as sad about it as I thought. Bigger things in the world to concern myself with. All about perspective. I'm pissed, but I didn't have a friend die today or I'm not starving to death or have really anything wrong. After all my friends called to wish me a happy birthday I was just happy to have amazing friends and family. Who gives a F*$% about stuff anyways. Its kinda liberating ....
ALTHOUGH! If you just so happen to have any of these laying around at your house feel free to be generous and send them my way! haha.

In the end, I'm not as sad about it as I thought. Bigger things in the world to concern myself with. All about perspective. I'm pissed, but I didn't have a friend die today or I'm not starving to death or have really anything wrong. After all my friends called to wish me a happy birthday I was just happy to have amazing friends and family. Who gives a F*$% about stuff anyways. Its kinda liberating ....
ALTHOUGH! If you just so happen to have any of these laying around at your house feel free to be generous and send them my way! haha.