Wednesday, October 22, 2008


do not agree with all of this but that first paragraph freaks me out.

An Ultimate Judgment

Consider this. In Scripture, one of the ways that a nation was judged by the Lord was to give them immature leadership. Obama is the most inexperienced Presidential candidate in history. He has proven so indecisive that while a state senator he voted “Present” over 140 times instead of taking a position on a bill. He has never authored even one piece of significant legislation, and yet, as has been pointed out, he had time to author two autobiographies. He has never been the chief executive of anything. The White House is not the place for on-the-job training in leadership. It is truly remarkable that Obama was nominated, and I am personally very encouraged that our nation would vote for an African American man to be our President. However, if we vote such inexperience into office during such a crisis, we are under judgment as a nation.

Does that mean that I would give up on America? Never. As I have also shared in previous Bulletins, even the judgment of God is an indication that He has not given up on us, but He disciplines His own. Several kinds of judgment are in Scripture, and only one of them is condemnation. All of the others are discipline from the Lord, and He disciplines those whom He loves.

Neither would I give up on Obama, but as I said, I will be earnestly praying for him and do all I can to support and honor our President. I will be earnestly praying for the Lord to give him wisdom. However, I will be preparing for what I believe will have signaled a much worse economic crisis than we are now in. I also will see this as a clear turn down the path toward great times of trouble, and therefore will be devoted to preparing for them.


Blogger Fingers said...

Hey props to you for speaking out and taking a stand.

12:36 AM  

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